
Are you experiencing results that don't last or treatment that’s not working?


Manual Osteopathic Therapy, developed by Dr. A.T. Still in 1874, is a philosophy and science combined with the knowledge of body mechanism, anatomy and physiology. It’s a hands-on treatment that considers the body as a unit and focuses on removing restrictions and restoring the body’s balance and healing ability.


Osteopathic therapy focuses on treating soft tissues to remove restrictions, improving the body’s fluid flow and self-healing ability. Relying on the quality and finesse of palpation on soft tissues and working with the position and mobility, the manual Osteopathic practitioner assesses the body structure and identifies the root causes. By applying gentle manipulations, the practitioner restores function, promotes healing and eliminates or reduces pain.

The therapist combines 4 different techniques to free restrictions and restore your health, including:

Soft tissue/ Fascial Remodeling: Soften and release the restrictions on the fascial lines.

Osteopathic articular technique: By using the client’s own isometric contraction, this gentle technique can reduce muscle spasms and neurological irritations and adjust the joints and body alignment.  

Craniosacral Therapy: Focus on the mobility of the skull to the sacrum and its contents. The techniques use a very gentle approach to restore the circulation of blood and other body fluids. It can release both emotional and physical stress and tension.

Visceral Manipulation: Assess and treat the visceral organs and soft tissues around the organs to restore organ function and movement. MOT considers that visceral and somatic issues affect each other. This technique also can release somatic tension and issues.

Our treatment approach

1. Intake

We will assess your problem, recommend treatment options, and set expectations. We will also determine your available insurance and benefits coverage.

2. Relax

Anxious, worried or in chronic pain? We’ll spend time removing the tension and restrictions and restarting the mind/body connection.

3. Treatment

We offer multiple treatment modalities with a holistic approach, treating the body as a whole rather than separate parts.

4. Ongoing Options

 Our goal is to support long-lasting results. You will be presented with options to support your ongoing healing and health.