Meet Our Practitioners

Dr. Mu Chun Chen

Doctor of Acupuncture
MScAnatomy, R.Acu, R.TCMD, RMT

Dr. Chen is a highly skilled acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medical doctor. His background includes a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Anatomy. Dr. Chen’s focus in acupuncture is to treat a wide variety of injuries and ailments. Acupuncture is also used to treat sleep disorders, addiction, anxiety, musculoskeletal disorders, sports injuries, whiplash, bowel disorders and infertility.

Interesting Facts:

Dr. Chen is an Educator! Dr. Mu has taught many students at Reeves College’s Acupuncture Program as well as Universities in Taiwan. Dr. Chen learned Traditional Chinese Medicine when he was 18. After graduating with a Master’s Degree, he participated in Diabetic Neuropathy Study and Anti-Cancer Study for several years. For needle-phobia patients, Dr. Chen also applies Acupuncture Patches, Laser Acupuncture, Cupping, Acupressure, Chinese Herbal powder/prescription and massage. 16 years ago, Dr. Chen lost 35lb (16kg) in half a year! He still keeps fit. He has a weight loss program to help people become fit and healthier.

Countless individuals have experienced significant improvements in their health and quality of life through our services. Whether you're seeking relief from chronic pain, improved mobility, or enhanced relaxation, our treatments can help you achieve your wellness goals!


I was hesitant at first because I feel like I’ve tried almost everything and nothing has helped. However, since starting treatment my sleep and my energy levels have improved! I have less to no pain, and I’m more relaxed and calm in general. I recommend this clinic to all my family and friends.

- Celeste

Dr. Mu and Ling are extremely helpful with my body’s condition. They always go way beyond standard. They will do their best to ensure that my problems are solved efficiently. They both are knowledgeable with any type of questions related to my health, they have helped me so much.
